March wrap-up

Jenny/ March 30, 2018/ Family Life



So, its come to that time again.  We’ll pull another page off the calendar and roll a new one on.  And I realize, its not just paper I’m turning over, its pages of my life.  I wonder, did I spend them well or am I just muddling through them?


Last night Lilly went to sleep early and Dennis went to bed with her and I sat up with the boys.  We cuddled on the couch and read stories.  I realized, man I don’t do that enough. Yes, I’m a stay-at-home mom but the chores never end, the jobs never all get done.  But I don’t want to miss that precious time with my children just because of a dish, another piece of laundry (or a facebook post).


So, I’m setting goals for my April!  Read fun stories (not just learning ones) to the boys every day!  To honor that, I just ordered 2 boxes of books.  (did I mention that honey, you’ll need to build more bookcases?)  I’m also going to play, actually play with them every day and take delight in the things that delight them.


It seems like as a homeschool mom its so easy to see everything through a learning lens, which is fine to an extent.  But its also ok to just read funny stories or play legoes without counting them!  I don’t want my kids to think Mom doesn’t take time to just have fun with them.  One of my memories of my Mom was when it snowed she would always come outside and play in it with me, sometimes at 5 in the morning!


We also just bought a microscope and I’m planning “fun” things we can do with it (like looking at scabs and fingernails, lol)  I realize I don’t have to cram learning into every moment.  That really does relieve a lot of stress from me.  Because I need to have fun and laugh too and let’s face it, we’re all way too busy and stressed these days!


So. how about you?  Are you stressed, overwhelmed & realizing you’re forgetting to do the really important things in life?  I hope and pray this April you’ll take a step back and push some things off your plate so you can really enjoy the main course:  faith & family!

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.